
Monday, August 9, 2010

A knot in my shoelace

I tied a knot in my shoelace, and then I tied a knot in my other shoelace. Not to remember anything special but because the shoelaces broke. I am good at this kind of dodgy repair and fashion faux pas, or is it dodgy fashion and a repair faux pas... I'll let you make your own decision about that one!

But it did make me think about the many people who might not be able to buy a new shoelace, or have other pairs of shoes and what that means for me. How might my actions make a difference here? I really truly want to live in a world where we care for our neighbours, both local and global. Where we recognise the impact of our decisions, both large and small, upon others. Where we, with God's help, can help bring life into the world and not take it away. Idealisitic perhaps but it truly motivates me.

So, my little shoelace repairs set me thinking about some of the other teeny things I do that try to mean we take care of this world by living a little more simply, by being a little bit thoughtful about the impact of my actions, by not just throwing something away and buying something new.
  • I reuse little snap lock bags, washing them after use; I use them in lunch boxes and for snacks, etc.
  • I buy barbecue shapes in a box, not little bags, and put servings of them in the little snap lock bags to go in as a lunch box treat. (Actually, my son asked me to buy the bag of them with their individual packages and I explained my decision to him how we reuse the bags again and again so that there is less rubbish going into land fill, so that there is less energy going in to making individual bags, how we want to care for the environment, (I might have said some other things too, can't remember at the moment), he was TOTALLY fine about the whole thing - I thought he would have been still requesting little packets like everyone else, but no, it was like he got it and wanted to be part of this little caring for the earth revolution. He now selects the boxes of barbecue shapes when he is shopping with me.)
  • I darn my socks (lunatic fringe, I know), but I think, "do I really need new socks, or is the rest of the sock okay for a while longer?" (I may have taken this one too far on occasion)
  • I keep one sided paper from everywhere for the kids to draw on, to use as scrap paper, as list paper, and so on!
Have you got anything to add to the list?

1 comment:

  1. ah! the bbq shapes. My 12 year old now has the weekly activity of dividing the box into 5 snaplock bags in preparation for the week ahead.
