
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A walk around the block

Well, this post was going to be a double win, a triumphant missive of mum over global warming and non-sleeping littlest billy goat gruff(LBGG). Alas, sigh, there can only be one winner, and today it was the LBGG (no sleep, okay, okay and no global warming involved (two wins, then)). Not that I really wanted to walk around the block to get LBGG to sleep, I thought I'd take the easy way and just put him in the car. After an internal wrestle, and I think mainly because I was reading some stuff about climate change yesterday (Manna Gum and Green Electricity Watch) and thinking that if I really think other people are important like I say I do (love your neighbours and all that) I need to live it as well. Sigh. I didn't feel particularly virtuous or uplifted, more grumbly and grumpy, anyway, hooray for me, for one little walk around the block instead of drive in the car. (There were some nice moments actually, chatting to the 4 year old, waving and saying hello to a couple of neighbours... Win one for community too? Hmm)

1 comment:

  1. Well, life is much more about the little choices, isn't it. Don't ask me for a quote, but in the Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis addresses this very point, with Screwtape being urged to tempt his patient to take small liberties; to commit slight indiscretions. Loving our neighbor is about getting the small choices right, mostly.

    So hurray! for tram rides and walks around the block!

